Testimonies of former Calvinists

Testimonies of former Calvinists

The X-Calvinist Corner

The link above is for the purpose of sharing testimonies. If you were once a Calvinist and have left your Calvinism for a more Arminian theology, please share your story in the comments section. We are very interested to know why you abandoned your Calvinistic convictions for Arminianism (or at least a non-Calvinist soteriology). We invite you to include the following information:

  • How did you become a Calvinist?

  • What did you find most compelling about Calvinism?

  • Why did you begin to question your Calvinistic convictions?

  • What kind of support or opposition did you encounter while questioning your Calvinistic beliefs?

  • What primarily led to you abandoning Calvinism?

This page is only intended for the use of X-Calvinists who want to share their stories of embracing and then rejecting Calvinism. It is not for the purpose of interrogating those who share their stories. My hope is that this will serve as an encouragement to those who may be leaving Calvinism or have recently left Calvinism.  My hope is also that it may have an impact on those who are considering embracing Calvinism. If you have questions concerning the beliefs of Calvinism or Arminianism or would like to ask questions concerning certain passages of Scripture with regards to these opposing views, please visit the “??Questions??” page. Thank You. -- Ben Henshaw of Arminian Perspectives