J. Vernon McGee

According to McGee, being “chosen in Christ,” means being chosen as a believer. This is in stark contrast to the core principles of Calvinistic Election, which holds that God sovereignly creates certain people to comprise His “elect” sheep, whom on that account, He  gives the faith to believe at the moment that He wants them to believe, and hence they are not chosen on the basis of being believers, but chosen to become believers.

J. Vernon McGee:God chose believers in Christ before the foundation of the world, way back in eternity past.” (Thru the Bible commentary series: Ephesians, p.27, emphasis mine)

J. Vernon McGee states:God sees the believer in Christ and He accepts the believer just as He receives His own Son. That is wonderful. That is the only basis on which I will be in heaven. I cannot stand there on the merit of Vernon McGee. I am accepted only in the Beloved. God loves me just as He loves Christ, because I am in Christ.” (Thru the Bible commentary series: Ephesians, p.38, emphasis mine)

J. Vernon McGee states: “I cannot repeat often enough that election is God’s choosing us in Christ.”  (Thru the Bible commentary series: Ephesians, p.33, emphasis mine)

J. Vernon McGee states: “It is the overall purpose and plan of God that believers should have a part in Christ’s inheritance. They are going to inherit with Christ because they are in Christ.” (Thru the Bible commentary series: Ephesians, p.50, emphasis mine)

J. Vernon McGee comments on 1st John 2:2: “By the way, that answers once and for all the question of a limited atonement, that is, that Christ died only for the elect. This verse in 1 John makes it clear that He died for the world. I don’t care who you are, there is a legitimate offer that has been sent out to you today from God, and that offer is that Jesus Christ has died for the world. I don’t care who you are, there is a legitimate offer that has been sent out to you today from God, and that offer is that Jesus Christ has died for you. You can’t hide and say, ‘I am not one of the elect.’” (Thru the Bible commentary series: Ephesians, p.29)

J. Vernon McGee writes: “God has never predestined anybody to be lost. If you are lost, it is because you have rejected God’s remedy. It is like a dying man to whom the doctor offers curing medicine. ‘If you take this, it’ll heal you.’ The man looks at the doctor in amazement and says, ‘I don’t believe you.’ Now the man dies and the doctor’s report says he died of a certain disease, and that’s accurate. But may I say to you, there was a remedy, and he actually died because he didn’t take the remedy. God has provided a remedy. Let me repeat, God has never predestined anybody to be lost. That’s where your free will comes in, and you have to determine for yourself what your choice will be.’” (Thru the Bible commentary series: Ephesians, p.35)

J. Vernon McGee writes: “One drop of the blood of the holy Son of God can save every sinner on topside of this earth, if the sinner will put his trust in the Savior.” (Thru the Bible commentary series: Ephesians, pp.41-42)

The blood of Christ is God’s remedy for sin and His provision for salvation. When a person believes in Him, he receives the remedy. But until then, the blood of Christ remains as an unused medicine.

J. Vernon McGee: “God’s reconciliation is already complete. He is ready to receive you if you are ready to come.” (Thru the Bible commentary series: Ephesians, p.83)

J. Vernon McGee: “Because He bore it for us upon the cross, our sins are forgiven, and we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins. Therefore, you don’t have to do anything so that God will forgive you; Christ has already done it when He died for you. All you have to do is believe and receive Christ.” (Thru the Bible commentary series: Hebrews, p.63)

J.  Vernon McGee comments on John 3:16: “The Lord has extended the invitation. Whosoever will may come. Don’t try to say that you are left out. God so loved the world.” (Thru the Bible commentary series: Ephesians, p.30)

J.  Vernon McGee: “Does it say God so loved the world that He saved the world? No, that’s exactly what it doesn’t say. God so loved this world that He gave His only begotten Son. You see, God couldn’t save the world by love because He goes on to say, ‘that whosoever believeth in him should not perish.’ You and I are going to perish. We’re lost sinners, and God still loves us, but the love of God can’t bring us into heaven. God had to provide a salvation, and He paid the penalty for our sins.” (Thru the Bible commentary series: Ephesians, p.75)

J.  Vernon McGee: “God has His arms outstretched to a lost world and He says, ‘You may come if you will come My way.’ Let me remind you that this is God’s universe, and He is doing things His way. You may think you have a better way, but you don’t have a universe to rule. He makes the rules in His universe and you’re going to have to come His way. He loves you; you can’t keep Him from loving you. Neither can you keep the sun from shining, but you can get out of the sunshine. Sin, being out of the will of God, turning your back on Him, all these will keep you from experiencing the love of God. If you will come to Him through Christ, He will save you and you will experience His love. God is rich in mercy.”  (Thru the Bible commentary series: Ephesians, p.76)