John Hagee


John Hagee states: “Jesus called a Gentile woman, a dog. He never called the Gentiles His brethren. Let me remind you of something. We did not get plugged in until the cross. We had no basis of standing with God until the cross. There’s where we were in Galatians 3 when Paul said you were outside the covenance of Israel, without hope and without God. That’s very important. Then at the cross, we were plugged in, and we received the riches of Abraham, and we received healing, and we received adoption, and we received all the cornucopia of the blessings of God. But before the cross, we were castoffs. You need to understand that.” (emphasis mine)

Whereas Calvinist’s teach an adoption prior to the cross, John Hagee places the adoption corporately at the cross, so that whoever believes receives. Now compare that with what Calvinist’s have gone on record as teaching about having been eternally plugged in with the Father.