Psalm 37:4

Psalm 37:4 (see also Romans 9:3Romans 10:1)
Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. 

Psalm 84:11 
For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

​The Bible says that “No good thing will I withhold” and 
He will give us the desires of our heart.” That being said, 
if we pray for someone’s salvation, but they are not one 
of Calvinism’s elect, then it is impossible for God to 
even entertain the request. Perhaps some Calvinists 
believe that we should never pray indiscriminately that 
the lost become saved, or else we might be defying God’s 
sovereignty. After all, if we don’t know the secret identity 
of Calvinism’s elect, then to be on the safe side, we ought 
to only pray that those whom He has secretly elected 
become saved, which of course must necessarily happen, 

Now enter the apostle Paul into the equation at Romans 9:1-3. in which Paul most certainly prayed that everyone indiscriminately comes to know Christ.